Chamber Analyzer

Model ACA-100
Frequency Control D.D.S:0.1 to 180MHz / Stability:Stability ±30ppm
Frequency Step Size 1Hz to 10MHz
Calibration Software controlled (no screwdriver adjustments)
ADC resolution 12 bits
Impedance 0.5 to 1kΩ
Accuracy 1Ω±3% of reading up to 60MHz, ±5% of reading up to 180Hz
Phase Angle ±90°
Parameters displayed Magnitude of load impedance (|Z|)=(ZMag), Phase angle of load impedance (θ)=(Phase), Equivalent series resistance(Rs) and reactance(Xs), Equivalent parallel resistance(Rp) and reactance(Xp), Reactance is shown as inductance(μH) or capacitance (pF) according to the phase angle.
RF-Port N, female
RF Output 20μW (max)
Spurious Output –30dBc or better
Max Stray RF input while measuring Maximum value 150mV (-6dBm)
Max safe RF input Maximum value 2V (+16dBm)
PC Interface RS232C
Data Rate: 57.6k or 115k baud
USB/RS232C Converter is supplied with ACA-100
Display Graphics output on PC screen
Mouse controlled cursor for digital parametric readout
Power Supply DC 8 to 15V, 250mA max
Dimensions 135(W) x 142(D) x 46(H) mm (max)
Others *Display Smith Chart
*Possible to set chamber RF input terminal as calibration point using coaxial cable and tools.
Warranty Period 1 year